京都大学アフリカ地域研究資料センターでは2017年より、アフリカに関係する海外研究者を招き、KUASS(Kyoto University African Studies Seminar)を開催しています。このKUASSは一般公開の特別セミナーです。講演は基本的に英語でおこなわれ、アフリカ研究に関する最新の話題や成果についての発表とともに、アフリカ各国の政府要人や政治家、大使なども登壇し、活発な議論が交わされています。セミナーの参加には原則、事前申し込みは不要です。
Since1994, when the guidelines for protected area management were published, IUCN has actively promoted the implementation of PAs such as National Park. Madagascar National Park ma…
This paper will outline the evolution of the World Heritage Centre criteria for listing world heritage and some of the institutional and political considerations that informed it e…
Survival Strategies of Migrants and Internal Displaced Populations in Cameroon: Between Social Protection and Entrepreneurship Responses The various political crises in the Central…
Importance of Timing Activities:The Adaptive Significance of Cathemerality in the Brown Lemurs in the Dry Forest of Northwestern Madagascar Despite the contrasting niches during da…
The dynamics in the scientific quest has advanced at a time when complexities of problems mounted across the world. The challenge for researchers is vivid. Policy makers who are ra…
Intestinal helminth infections and allergy disorders are common causes of morbidity around the globe and their distribution seems to show that they have an inverse association. A p…
Jerusalem has been a site of Sufi pilgrimage and worship since early times. During the Umayyad period, Jerusalem was a part of the hajj circuit for many Muslim pilgrims, including …
Indigenous knowledge systems encompass what people know about their natural resources and environment in their surroundings. Among others, for small holding farmers the knowledge a…
Being the humanitarian catastrophe that considered to be one of the world’s most neglected crises, the Chad basin refugee and IDPs situation has been egregiously overlooked while a…