This paper will outline the evolution of the World Heritage Centre criteria for listing world heritage and some of the institutional and political considerations that informed it e…
This seminar has been jointly organized by the African Studies Center (ASC), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and the Center for African Area Studies (CAAS), Kyoto University since 2017. Under this arrangement, visiting researchers at each center visit and present their research at the other center, in order to deepen interaction between researchers engaged in African studies at both universities. When Tokyo University of Foreign Studies is the host, the seminar is co-hosted as ASC Seminar; when Kyoto University is the host, it is co-hosted with KUASS (Kyoto University African Studies Seminar). See the records of the seminars at the archive page.

This seminar aims to provide an understanding of global health in Africa from an interdisciplinary perspective through the outcomes of public health, midwifery, and environmental e…
Being the humanitarian catastrophe that considered to be one of the world’s most neglected crises, the Chad basin refugee and IDPs situation has been egregiously overlooked while a…
Even though the genesis of the pan African idea and movement is traceable to the mid-19th century in the Americas, the cut-off point of my presentation is 1945. After the 4th pan A…
Agroecosystems in south-eastern Cameroon contain significant floristic diversity which is vital for subsistence and cash income of local communities. However, this agrobiodiversity…
By confirming that the TICAD has been largely reinvented since 2008 the presentation will examine the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) content of the process through an assessment …