Jiro Tanaka

Research Summary
I have conducted researches of ecological anthropology on hunter-gatherers (Bushmen and Mbuti Pygmies) and nomadic pastoralists (Rendille, Pokot, and Turkana) in Africa. In particular, I conducted a detailed observational study on the dietary life and group structure of the Central Bushmen. Since the 1980s, I have been engaged in field-based research related to socio-cultural changes in Bushmen society resulting from their settlement in permanent residences and increasing contact with the outside world.
Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
Japan Association For African Studies
The Society for Ecological Anthropology
- 2014 Jiro Tanaka 『The Bushmen: A Half-Century Chronicle of Transformations in Hunter-Gatherer Life and Ecology』 (Translated by Minako Sato) Kyoto University Press & Trans Pacific Press, 272pp.
- 2001 Jiro Tanaka & M. Ichikawa "Introduction" African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue 26 (eds. By J. Tanaka & M. Ichikawa): 1-8.
- 1986 Jiro Tanaka A Study on Human Behavior and Adaptation in Arid Area of Africa, Research Group for the Study on Human Behavior and Adaptation in Arid Area of Africa, Hirosaki University.
- 1984 Jiro Tanaka African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue 3, 93pp.
- 1980 Jiro TanakaThe SAN Hunter-Gagherers of the Kalahari: A Study in Ecological Anthropology (Translated by: David W. Hughes) University of Tokyo Press, 200pp.
- 1980 Jiro Tanaka "Introduction" A Study of Ecological Anthropology on Pastoral and Agrico-Pastoral Peoples in Northern Kenya Kyoto University Primate Research Institute, pp.1-9.
- 1980 Jiro Tanaka "Residential Pattern and Livestock Management among the Pastoral Pokot" A Study of Ecological Anthropology on Pastoral and Agrico-Pastoral Peoples in Northeren Kenya (J. Tanaka ed.) Kyoto University Primate Research Institute, pp.78-95.
- 1978 Jiro Tanaka A San Vocabulary of the Central KalahariAfrican languages and ethnography VII, Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 158pp.
- 1999 Jiro Tanaka "The Eighth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS8) by P.J. Mathews, J. Tanaka and S. Koyama", Research reports pf National Museum of Ethnology 23(4): 809-813.
- 1999 Jiro Tanaka & Kazuyoshi Sugawara "/Gui and //Gana" The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers edited by Richard B. Lee and Richard Daly : 195-199. Cambridge University Press : Cambridge.
- 1996 Jiro Tanaka "The World of Animals Viewed by the San" African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue 22: 11-28.
- 1991 Jiro Tanaka "Egalitarianism and the Cash Economy among the Central Kalahari San" Senri Ethnological Studies No.30 "Cash, Commoditisation and Changing Foragers eds. By Nicolas Peserson and Toshio Matsuyama: 117-134. National Museum of Ethnology.
- 1990 Jiro Tanaka "Comment to 'Paradigmatic history of San-Speaking peoples and current attempts at revision' by E.N. Wilmsen and J.R. Denbow" Current anthropology 31(5): 515-516.
- 1989 Jiro Tanaka "Social Integration of the San Society from the Viewpoint of Sexual Relationships" African Study Monographs 9(3): 153-165.
- 1987 Jiro Tanaka"The Recent Changes in the Life and Society of the Central Kalahari San" African Study Monographs 7: 37-51.
- 1986 Jiro Tanaka "Change of Life and Society of the Central Kalahari San" A Study on Human Behavior and Adaptation in Arid Area of Africa: 1-10. Research Group for the Study on Human Behavior and Adaptation in Arid Area of Africa, Hirosaki University .
- 1982 Jiro Tanaka "Adaptation to Arid Environment : A Comparative Study of Hunter-Gatherers and Pastoralists in Africa" African Study Monographs; Supplementary Issue 1: 1-12. The Reserch Committee for African Area Study Kyoto University .
- 1981 Jiro Tanaka "On Residential Pattern and Livestock Management among the Pastoral Pokot: A Preliminary Report" Kerio Valley - Past, Present and Future Proceedings of a Seminar held in Nairobi at the Institute of African Studies, University of Nairobi. May 21-22, 1981: 55-60.
- 1979 Jiro Tanaka "A Study of the Comparative Ecology of African Gatherer-Hunters with Special Reference to San(Bushman-Speaking People) and Pygmies" Senri Ethnological Studies No.1. Africa 1: 189-212. National Museum of Ethnology.
- 1976 Jiro Tanaka "Subsistence Ecology of Central Kalahari San" Kalahari Hunter-Gatherers: 98-119. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Mass.
- 1973 Jiro Tanaka "Social Structure of the Bushmen" Behavioral Regulators of Behavior in Primates: 81-84. Bucknell University Press, Lewisburg.
- 1969 Jiro Tanaka "The Ecology and Social Structure of Central Kalahari Bushumen; A Preliminary Report" Kyoto University African Studies Vol. 3: 1-26. The Committee of the Kyoto University Africa Primatological Expedition, Kyoto University.
- 1968 Jiro Tanaka "Sosical Structure of the Bushmen" Proceedings of Ⅷth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences: 295-296.
- 1965 Jiro Tanaka "Social structure of Nilgiri Langurs" Journal of Primatology 16(1): 107-122.