Shuhei Shimada

Research Summary
I previously worked on the issues related to regional problems and conflicts in Nigeria. Recently, I have been focusing particularly on the vulnerability and resilience of small farming households and rural societies in Zambia and Nigeria based on long-term field study. I presuppose that the vulnerability of farmers and rural societies can be a cause of and, more importantly, can trigger the conflicts or social disturbances. I am exploring new forms of rural development that can awake endowed potential of small farmers and their society to mitigate vulnerability and strengthen resilience. I believe that the theory of political ecology is useful in research of this nature.
- Shimada, Shuhei 1995 Agricultural production and environmental change of Dambo - a case study of Chinena Village, Central Zambia -, ed. by S. Shimada, Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University, 125p
- Shimada, S. 2006 How can we perceive social vulnerability: Rethinking from a case study on the impact of infectious disease on agricultural production in Zambia, (in 'Vulnerability and resilience of social-ecological systems' FY2005 FS Project Report, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto, pp.41-55)
- Shimada, S. 2003 The impact of HIV/AIDS on agricultural production in Zambia, African Geographical Review, 22, pp. 73-78.
- Shimada, S. 2001 Coping with uncertainty: Change in agricultural production system of African peasant farmers, (Developing sustainable rural systems ed. by K. Kim et al., Pusan Korea) pp.45-53.
- Shimada, S. 1999 A study of increased food production in Nigeria: The effect of the Structural Adjustment Program on the local level, African Study Monographs, 20(4), pp.175-227.
- Shimada, S. 1996 Sustainability and vulnerability of African peasant farmers, Proceedings of the Tsukuba International Conference on the Sustainability of Rural Systems (held at Tsukuba on19-26 August 1995), University of Tsukuba, pp.374-378.
- SUZUKI, K., MATSUMOTO, H., SAKAIDA, K., SHIMADA, S. 1994 Chemical properties of ground water in Chinena village, Central Zambia Geogr. Rept. of Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., 29, pp. 1-10.
- Shimada, S. 1994 Change in land use of dambo at Chinena village of Central Zambia Sci. Rept., Tohoku Univ., 7th Ser., 44-1, pp.3-22.
- Shimada, S. 1993 Agricultural land use and environmental change of dambo - a case study of Chinena village, Central Zambia- Institute of Geography, Faculty of Science, Tohoku Univ., 83p.
- Shimada, S. 1993 Migration and change in agricultural production systems in rural Nigeria; a case study, Sci. Rept., Tohoku Univ., 7th Ser., 43-2 pp. 63-90.
- Shimada, S. 1992 Economic change and labor migration in rural Nigeria. Geographical Review of Japan 64-2, pp.79-97.
- Shimada, S. 1992 SDambos in rapid socio-economic changes in countries of southern Africa, Sci. Rept. Tohoku Univ., 7th Ser., 42-2, pp. 57-73.
- Shimada, S. 1989 Regional problems in Nigeria. Sci. Repts., Tohoku Univ., 7th Ser. 3(2): 59-85.