Naoki Koyama

Research Summary
I have primarily conducted socio-ecological study on the ring-tailed lemur, a primate species living in the southeast of the Republic of Madagascar. I am also conducting research on vegetation and human activity in the ring-tailed lemur’s habitat from the standpoint of environmental conservation.
Profiles of Prof. Koyama and the research group (The Berenty Website)
Japan Association for African Studies
Primate Society of Japan
The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology
- Koyama, N. (2009). The Island of Madagascar: an Introduction to Area Studies in the Western Indian Ocean Region. Tokai University Press, Tokyo (In Japanese).
- Jolly, A., R. W. Sussman, N. Koyama, and H. Rasamimanana (eds.)(2006). Ringtailed Lemur Biology. Springer, New York.
- Takahata, Y., N. Koyama, S. Ichino, N. Miyamoto, T. Soma, and M. Nakamichi (2014). Female coexistence and competition in ringtailed lemurs: A review of a long-term study at Berenty, Madagascar. In: Primates and Cetaceans: Field Research and Conservation of Complex Mammalian Societies, Yamagiwa, J. and L. Karczmarski (eds.), Springer, Tokyo. pp. 129-147.
- Ichino, S., K. Chatani, Y. Kawamoto, H. Sato, A. Schnöll, T. Soma, N. Koyama, M. Aimi and Y. Takahata (2013). Decrease in the body mass of wild ringtailed lemurs at Berenty Reserve in Madagascar with environmental changes. African Study Monographs, 34: 109-118.
- Ichino, S., T. Soma and N. Koyama (2013). The impact of alopecia syndrome on female reproductive parameters in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) in Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. In: Leaping ahead: advances in prosimian biology, Masters, J.C., M. Gamba, and F. Génin (eds.). pp. 377-386. Springer, New York.
- Soma, T. and N. Koyama (2013). Eviction and troop reconstruction in a single matriline of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta): what happened when “grandmother” died? In: Leaping ahead: advances in prosimian biology, Masters, J.C., M. Gamba, and F. Génin (eds.). pp. 137-146. Springer, New York.
- Koyama, N. (2012). Touches of humanity in monkey society (originally published in 1980, translated by M. A. Huffman). In: The Monkeys of Stormy Mountain: 60 Years of Primatological Research on the Japanese Macaques of Arashiyama. J-B Leca, M. A. Huffman and P. L. Vasey (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp. 42-50.
- Chalmers, A., M. A. Huffman, N. Koyama and Y. Takahata (2012). Fifty years of female macaque demography at Arashiyama, with special reference to long-lived females (> 25 years). In: The Monkeys of Stormy Mountain: 60 Years of Primatological Research on the Japanese Macaques of Arashiyama. Leca J-B, M. A. Huffman and P. L. Vasey (eds.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp. 51-67.
- Koyama, N., M. Aimi, Y. Kawamoto, H. Hirai, Y. Go, S. Ichino and Y. Takahata (2008). Body mass of wild ring-tailed lemurs in Berenty Reserve, Madagascar, with reference to tick infestation: a preliminary analysis. Primates, 49:9-15.
- Takahata, Y., N. Koyama, S. Ichino, N. Miyamoto, M. Nakamichi and T. Soma (2008). The relationship between female rank and reproductive parameters of the ringtailed lemur: a preliminary analysis. Primates, 49:135-138.
- Jolly, A., N. Koyama, H. Rasamimanana, H. Crowley, and G. Williams (2006). Berenty reserve: a research site in southern Madagascar. In: Ringtailed Lemur Biology, Jolly, A., R. W. Sussman, N. Koyama and H. Rasamimanana (eds.). pp. 32-42. Springer, New York.
- Koyama, N., T. Soma, S. Ichino and Y. Takahata (2006). Home ranges of ring-tailed lemur troops and the density of large trees at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. In: Ringtailed Lemur Biology, Jolly, A., R. W. Sussman, N. Koyama and H. Rasamimanana (eds.). pp. 86-101. Springer, New York.
- Ichino, S. and N. Koyama (2006). Social changes and group size in a wild population of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty, Madagascar. In: Ringtailed Lemur Biology, Jolly, A., R. W. Sussman, N. Koyama and H. Rasamimanana (eds.). pp. 233-244. Springer, New York.
- Crawford, G., L-E Andriafaneva, K. Blumenfeld-Jones, G. Calaba, L. Clarke, L. Gray, S. Ichino, A. Jolly, N. Koyama and A. Mertl-Millhollen (2006). Bald lemur syndrome and the miracle tree: Alopacia associated with Leucaena leucocephala at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. In: Ringtailed Lemur Biology, Jolly, A., R. W. Sussman, N. Koyama and H. Rasamimanana (eds.). pp.332-342. Springer, New York.
- Koyama, N., S. Ichino, M. Nakamichi, and Y. Takahata (2005). Long-term changes in dominance ranks among ring-tailed lemurs at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Primates, 46:225-234.
- Takahata, Y., N. Koyama, S. Ichino, and N. Miyamoto (2005). Inter- and within-troop competition of female ring-tailed lemurs: A preliminary report. African Study Monographs, 26(1):1-14.
- Go, Y., G. Rakotoarisoa, Y. Kawamoto, T. Shima, N. Koyama, A. Randrianjafy, R. Mora and H. Hirai. (2005). Characterization and evolution of major histocompatibility complex class II genes in the aye-aye, Daubentonia madagascariensis. Primates, 46(2):135-139.
- Go, Y., Y. Satta, Y. Kawamoto, G. Rakotoarisoa, A. Randrianjafy, N. Koyama and H. Hirai. (2003). Frequent segmental sequence exchanges and rapid gene duplication characterize the MHC class I genes in lemurs. Immunogenetics, 55:450-461.
- Go, Y., Y. Satta, Y. Kawamoto, G. Rakotoarisoa, A. Randrianjafy, N. Koyama and H. Hirai. (2002). Mhc-DRB genes evolution in lemurs. Immunogenetics, 54:403-417.
- Koyama, N., M. Nakamichi, S. Ichino and Y. Takahata (2002). Population and social dynamics changes in ring-tailed lemur troops at Berenty, Madagascar between 1989-1999. Primates, 43(4):291-314.
- Takahata, Y., N. Koyama, N. Miyamoto, and M. Okamoto (2001). Daytime deliveries observed for the ring-tailed lemurs of Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Primates, 42(3):267-271.
- Koyama, N., M. Nakamichi, R. Oda, N. Miyamoto, S. Ichino and Y. Takahata (2001). A ten-year summary of reproductive parameters for ring-tailed lemurs at Berenty, Madagascar. Primates, 42(1):1-14.
- Rakotoarisoa, G., Y. Hirai, Y. Go, Y. Kawamoto, T. Shima, N. Koyama, A. Randrianjafy, R. Mora, and H. Hirai (2000). Chromosomal localization of 18S rDNA and PRINS telomere sequence in the aye-aye, Daubentonia madagascariensis.Genes Genet. Syst., 75:299-303.
- Go, Y., G. Rakotoarisoa, Y. Kawamoto, A. Randrianjafy, N. Koyama and H. Hirai. (2000). PRINS analysis of the telomeric sequences in seven lemurs. Chromosome Research, 8(1):57-65. Nakamichi, M. and N. Koyama (2000). Intra-troop affiliative relationships of females with newborn infants in wild ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta). Am. J. Primatol., 50(3):187-203.
- Takahata, Y., M. A. Huffman, S. Suzuki, N. Koyama and J. Yamagiwa (1999). Why dominants do not consistently attain high mating and reproductive success: A review of longitudinal Japanese macaque studies. Primates, 40(1):143-158.
- Takahata, Y., Y. Kawamoto, H. Hirai, N. Miyamoto, N. Koyama and H. Suzuki (1998). The ticks found among the wild ringtailed lemurs at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. African Study Monographs, 19(4):217-222.
- Nakamichi, M., M. L. O. Rakototiana and N. Koyama (1997). Effects of spatial proximity and alliances on dominance relations among female ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Primates, 38(3):331-340.
- Nakamichi, M. and N. Koyama (1997). Social relationships among ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) in two free-ranging troops at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Int. J. Primatol., 18(1):73-93.
- Nakamichi, M., N. Koyama and A. Jolly (1996). Maternal responses to dead and dying infants in wild troops of ring-tailed lemurs at the Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Int. J. Primatol., 17(4):505-523.
- Takahata, Y., N. Koyama, A. Huffman, K. Norikoshi and S. Suzuki (1995). Are daughters more costly to produce for Japanese macaque mothers? :Sex of the offspring and subsequent interbirth intervals. Primates, 36(4):571-574.
- Takahata, Y., N. Koyama and S. Suzuki (1995). Do the old aged females experience a long post-reproductive life span?: The cases of Japanese macaques and chimpanzees. Primates, 36(2):169-180.
- Naoki Koyama, (1992a). Multiple births and care-taking behavior of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty, Madagascar. In: Social Structure of Madagascar Higher Vertebrates in Relation to Their Adaptive Radiation, S.Yamagishi (ed.), Osaka City University, pp.5-9.
- Naoki Koyama, (1992b). Some demographic data of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty, Madagascar. In: Social Structure of Madagascar Higher Vertebrates in Relation to Their Adaptive Radiation, S.Yamagishi (ed.), Osaka City University, pp.10-12.
- Koyama, N., Y. Takahata, M. A. Huffman, K. Norikoshi and H. Suzuki (1992). Reproductive parameters of female Japanese macaques: Thirty years data from the Arashiyama troops, Japan. Primates, 33(1):33-47.
- Naoki Koyama, (1991a). Troop division and inter-troop relationships of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty, Madagascar. In: Primatology Today, A. Ehara, T. Kimura, O. Takenaka and M. Iwamoto (eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 173-176.
- Naoki Koyama, (1991b). Grooming relationships in the Arashiyama group of Japanese monkeys. In: The Monkeys of Arashiyama: Thirty-five years of research in Japan and the West. L. M. Fedigan and P. J. Asquith (eds.), State University of New York Press, New York, pp.211-226.
- Naoki Koyama, (1988). Mating behavior of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty, Madagascar. Primates, 29(2): 163-175.
- Fedigan, L. M., L. Fedigan, S. Gouzoules, H. Gouzoules, and N. Koyama (1986). Lifetime reproductive success in female Japanese macaques. Folia primatol., 47:143-157.
- Naoki Koyama, (1986). Mating behaviour of ringtailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty, Madagascar. Primate Report, 14:111
- Naoki Koyama, (1985a). Playmate relationships among individuals of the Japanese monkey troop in Arashiyama. Primates, 26(4):390-406.
- Naoki Koyama, (1985b). Socio-ecological study of the crab-eating monkeys at Gunung Meru, West Sumatra. In: Kyoto University Overseas Research Report of Studies on Asian Non-Human Primates IV: 105-126. Kyoto University Primate Research Institute.
- Naoki Koyama (1984). Socio-ecological study of the crab-eating monkeys at Gunung Meru, Indonesia. In: Kyoto University Overseas Research Report of Studies on Asian Non-Human Primates (1984), 3:17-36.
- Koyama, N. and P. B. Shekar, (1981). Geographic distribution of the rhesus and the bonnet monkeys in West Central India. J. Bom. Nat. His. Soc., 78(2):240-255.
- Koyama, N., A. Asnun and N. Natsir (1981). Socio-ecological study of the crab-eating monkeys in Indonesia. In: Kyoto University Overseas Report of Studies on Indonesian Macaque (1981) 1:1-10, Kyoto University Primate Research Institute.
- Baldwin, L. A., N. Koyama and G. Teleki, (1980). Field research on Japanese monkeys: An historical, geographical, and bibliographical listing. Primates, 21(2):268-301.
- Koyama, N., K. Norikoshi and T. Mano, (1975). Population dynamics of Japanese monkeys at Arashiyama. In: Contemporary Primatology, S. Kondo, M. Kawai, & A. Ehara (eds.), 5th Int. Congr. Primat., S. Karger, Basel, pp. 411-417.
- Norikoshi, K. and N. Koyama, (1975). Group shifting and social organization among Japanese monkeys. In: Proc. Symp. 5th Congr. Int. Primat. Soc., S. Kondo, M. Kawai, A. Ehara, & S. Kawamura (eds.), Japan Science Press, Tokyo, pp. 43-61.
- Naoki Koyama, (1973). Dominance, grooming, and clasped-sleeping relationships among bonnet monkeys in India. Primates, 14(2-3):225-244.
- Naoki Koyama (1971). Observations on mating behavior of wild siamang gibbons at Fraser's Hill, Malaysia. Primates, 12(2):183-189.
- Naoki Koyama (1970). Changes in dominance rank and division of a wild Japanese monkey troop in Arashiyama. Primates, 11(4):335-390.
- Naoki Koyama (1967). On dominance rank and kinship of a wild Japanese monkey troop in Arashiyama. Primates, 8(3):189-216.