Jun Ikeno

Research Summary
Based on research focusing on rural communities in the semi-arid region of East Africa, I have studied changes in the rural socio-economic structure by analyzing the diversity of livelihood patterns, including urban labor migration. I conduct dynamic analysis of changes in rural communities by looking at the ways communities adapt to external changes in the political, economic, and social environments, and how they realize endogenous development capacity leading to its own social transformation.
Birth Place: Osaka, Japan
Career of Education:
Mar. 1973 Graduated from Koyo Gakuin Senior High School (Nishinomiya, JAPAN)Mar. 1978 B. of Economics (Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo)
Jan. 2008 Ph.D. (Kyoto University)
Career of Job:
Apr. 1978-Dec. 1996 Researcher, Institute of Developing Economies (Tokyo, JAPAN)Jan. 1997-Mar. 1998 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Humanity and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Apr. 1998-Mar. 2008 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Apr. 2008-present Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University.
Japan Association for African Studies
Political Economy and Economic History Society
Japanese Society of Regional and Agricultural Development
Japanese Association for Rural Studies
Association of Ecological Anthropology
- IKENO, Jun. ed. (2011) Food Security and Livelihood in Rural Africa: Basic Conditions and Current Trends, (African Study Monographs Supplementary Issue No.42) 139P.
- IKENO, Jun (2010) Rural Africa and Poverty Reduction: Area encountering Development in Tanzania (in Japanese), Kyoto University Press, 376P.
- IKENO, J. ed. (2007) African Coffee Economy at the Crossroads: The Cases from Tanzania, Ethiopia and Rwanda(African Study Monographs Supplementary Issue No.35) 139P.
- IKENO, Jun ed. (1999) Searching the Realities of Rural Africa (in Japanese), IDE, 254P.
- IKENO, Jun & Shinichi TAKEUCHI eds. (1998) Reconsidering the Informal Sector in Africa (in Japanese), IDE, 251P.
- IKENO, Jun, HOSOMI Shinya & SHIMADA Shuhei (1996) Food Problems in Africa (in Japanese), IDE, 239P.
- IKENO, Jun (1989) Ukambani: Livelihood of Peasant Households in Eastern Kenya (in Japanese), IDE, 287P.
- Sheikh MA, Ali AH, Khamis AA, Rashidhi RJ, Ali HR, Ikeno J, Tanaka U (2018) Quality of Groundwater from Open-Wells in Rural and Peri-Urban Areas of Unguja Island, Zanzibar, Tanzania. African Study Monographs Suppl 55 “Resources Vitalizing Local Societies in Tanzania”: 119-142.
- Ikeno J (2018) Intra- and Inter-Sectorial Competition for Water Resources around Mwanga Town in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania. African Study Monographs Suppl 55 “Resources Vitalizing Local Societies in Tanzania”: 101-118.
- Mhando DG, Ikeno J (2018) Production and Marketing of Orange in Two Villages in Muheza District, Tanzania. African Study Monographs Suppl 55 “Resources Vitalizing Local Societies in Tanzania”: 55-85
- Ikeno J (2018) Preface. African Study Monographs Suppl 55 “Resources Vitalizing Local Societies in Tanzania”: 1-3.
- Ikeno J, Ueda G, Tanaka U (eds.) (2018) African Study Monographs Suppl 55 "Resources Vitalizing Local Societies in Tanzania".
- IKENO Jun (2014) “History of Tanzanian Land Policy: A Preliminary Article on the Land Laws from the Colonial Era to present” (in Japanese) in TAKEUCHI Shin’ichi ed., Preliminary Report on Land and State in Africa, Institute of Developing Economies, pp.6-41.
- IKENO Jun (2010) “Irrigation and Water Supply Project on the Foot of the Northern Pare Mountains, Tanzania”(in Japanese) Development Study (Japanese Society of Regional and Agricultural Development) 21-2 pp.9-15.
- IKENO Jun (2003) “A Consideration on the Poverty in Tanzania” (in Japanese) Asian and African Area Studies (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University) 3 pp.224-236.
- IKENO Jun (2001) “The Structural Adjustment Programs and Tanzanian Post-colonial Economy” (in Japanese) in AKIMOTO Eiichi ed., Globalization and Options of National Economies Tokyo University Press pp.245-276.
- IKENO Jun (1995) “Tanzanian Agriculture under the Structural Adjustment Programs: With special reference to the Agricultural Policy and Producers” (in Japanese) in HARAGUCHI Takehiko ed., Structural Adjustment Programs and Agriculture in Africa Institute of Developing Economies pp.11-56.
- IKENO, Jun (1992) "Tanzanian Agriculture under the Structural Adjustment Programmes: with Special Reference to Two Villages in Kilimanjaro Region", IDE Africa Project Team ed., African Political Economy in Transition, Institute of Developing Economies, (Africa Research Series No.5), pp.82-111.
- IKENO, Jun (1987) “Arid and Semi-Arid Land Development (ASAL) in Kenya”(in Japanese), in YOSHIDA, Masao ed., Economic Crisis and Development Policy in Africa in 1980s, IDE, pp.179-211.
- IKENO, Jun (1985) “Land Registration and Land Tenure in the Semi-arid Area, Eastern Kenya” (in Japanese), Afurika Kenkyu 27, pp.91-106.
- IKENO, Jun (1981) “Cotton Production in Sukumaland, Tanzania”(in Japanese), Ajia Keizai 22811/12), pp.57-80.
- IKENO, Jun (1978) “Land Tenure System of the Haya: with special reference to Nyarubanja System and Squatter System” (in Japanese), Ajia Keizai 20(12), pp.77-89.
Research Projects
2000-2002: Study on History of Socio-economic Aspects of African Rural Poverty
2004-2006: Study on Formation of Regional Socio-economic Zones around Coffee Production Areas in East Africa
2007-2010: Study on Food Security and Livelihood of Rural Areas in South-eastern Africa
2012-: Socio-economic Study on Livelihood Strategy in Rural Zanzibar
2013‒: Integrated Study on vitalizing Tanzanian Local Economies with Sustainable Resource Management