The 98th KUASS: Kyoto University African Studies Seminar
Microcredit to women and its contribution to production and household food security in Uganda

Food insecurity as indicated by levels of food availability, food access and nutritional status remains a big challenge in Uganda. As a method of survival, people in rural areas supplement agricultural activities with non-farm self-employment activities. Women play key roles in household food security and livelihood maintenance. They have thus attracted the attention of many governments, and non-government partners, who aim at improving the welfare of the poor. Provision of microcredit to women in agrarian communities is promoted to transform rural livelihoods, leading to income and food security. However, despite all the enthusiasm about the potential benefits of microcredit, evidence for its beneficial effects remains mixed. Observed effects are context-specific, with indications that microcredit may not be a silver bullet to transform the lives of the rural poor and may not be as beneficial as previously thought. This presentation embodies the on-going debate by evaluating the contribution of microcredit to agricultural production, microenterprise performance, food security, and the factors associated with recorded outcomes among women in Uganda.
Dr. Faith Muyonga Mayanja Namayengo(Senior Lecturer, Human Nutrition and Home Economics, Kyambogo University)Date & Venue
31st August, 2021(Tuesday)
Zoom Online
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto UniversityE-mail: caas * (replace * with @)