Participatory in National Park Management: Discussion on the Participation of Local Inhabitants. Experience from National Park Management in Madagascar.

Event Info

  • Zo Lalaina Razafiarison (Research and Education Fellow for Biology and Plant Ecology, University of Antananarivo)
Date & Venue
  • 6 December 2023(Wed)
  • 13:30-15:00 (JST)
  • Hybrid Meeting (Online + Onsite), Large Conference Room, 3F, Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall
  • English
  • The Center for African Area Studies

  • caaskyoto[at]gmail.com


Since1994, when the guidelines for protected area management were published, IUCN has actively promoted the implementation of PAs such as National Park. Madagascar National Park managers are implementing a participatory approach to involve local communities in park management. They agree that the best way to conserve natural resources is to give management control to local people and allow them to use natural resources. However, degradation of natural habitats and biodiversity continues and has significant negative impacts on biodiversity and livelihoods. The local residents are often blamed for this damage. In the remote areas, where the park is established, most of the surrounding residents are poor and struggle to meet their daily needs to feed and support their families. This study examines the development of participative management and evaluates the opportunities and constraints associated with it. It is noted that, although participation promotes a localized and inclusive approach, many questions remain about its meaning in practice. This study address key questions : who participates in, what they participate in, and how they participate? Our investigation through various studies has allowed to respond to these questions. After understanding the current issues, the author introduces recommendations how should mitigate the conflicts between National Park managers and local inhabitants.

This discussion is based on the results of the investigation done in Andasibe National Park, Madagascar. Online investigation has conducted to understand the participation of local inhabitants on the Ankarafantsika National Park management. The results are the base of my future research on the participatory approach of Ankarafantsika National Park management.


Zo Lalaina Razafiarison (Research and Education Fellow for Biology and Plant Ecology, University of Antananarivo)

Date & Venue

6 December 2023(Wed)
13:30-15:00 (JST)
Hybrid Meeting (Online + Onsite), Large Conference Room, 3F, Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall




Registration Form
or please send your name, affiliation and email address to: caaskyoto[at]gmail.com


The Center for African Area Studies
