113rd KUASS: KYOTO UNIVERSITY AFRICAN STUDIES SEMINAR (The 3rd Colloquium of Ecological Future Making of Childrearing)
Co-construction of Habitus and Habitat in Namibia
1. “Education has made me lazy”: Reflections on the education challenges for the Omaheke Ju|’hoansi, Namibia
2. The African ecological mechanisms of landscape formation: Application of remote sensing and GIS

The Colloquium of Ecological future making of childrearing is a serial seminar that was set up in Academic Year 2022, as part of the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “Ecological future making of childrearing in contact zones between hunter-gatherers and agro-pastoralists in Africa.”
1.Velina Ninkova(Development Studies, Department of International Studies and Interpreting, Faculty of Education and International Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University)
2.Simon Hangula Hangula
(Ministry of Environment Forestry and Tourism, Namibia)
Date & Venue
28 July 2023(Friday)
14:00-17:00 (JST)
Large-sized meeting room, 3F, Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University
English (no interpreter)Program
14:00~14:10 Akira Takada (Professor, ASAFAS, Kyoto University) Introduction
14:10~15:30 Velina Ninkova (Development Studies, Department of International Studies and Interpreting, Faculty of Education and International Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University) “Education has made me lazy”: Reflections on the education challenges for the Omaheke Ju|’hoansi, Namibia
15:30~15:40 Short break
15:40~17:00 Simon Hangula Hangula (Ministry of Environment Forestry and Tourism, Namibia) The African ecological mechanisms of landscape formation: Application of remote sensing and GIS
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Organized by
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
Co-hosted by
MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) “Ecological future making of childrearing in contact zones between hunter-gatherers and agro-pastoralists in Africa”
The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto Universitycaaskyoto[at]gmail.com (please replace [at] with @)
There are no parking lots available. Please use public transport.