A visit from President and Vice President of Jinka University

The President Kusse Gudishe and Vice President Elias Alemu of Jinka University, located in Jinka, Southern Ethnic Regions of Ethiopia, visited Center for African Area Studies of Kyoto University. The Jinka University has been an important partner for Kyoto University and the Center in projects such as the SATREPS project. President Kusse and Vice President Elias met with Center Director Motoki Takahashi, Professor Emeritus Masayoshi Shigeta (former Director of the Center), Associate Professor Morie Kaneko, and Specially Appointed Lecturer Fumitaka Wakamatsu. After a brief overview of their respective institutions, the two sides discussed the type of academic exchange agreements they would like to establish in the future.
Date & Venue
Mid-size conference room, Inamori building