加藤珠比研究員の論文が国際開発研究に掲載されています。 https://doi.org/10.32204/jids.30.2_129
The theme of the Symposium: This symposium will focus on “innovation for sustainable development in Africa”, and discuss three dimensions of innovation: technologies, institutions …
International Workshop-Poster Session: The Role of On-site Research for Innovation & Steam Education
The following five issues, which are related to the role of on-site research for innovation and STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics] education, are going to be discussed among presenters and participants in the related research projects.
This workshop aims to explore the possibilities of inter-disciplinary/international collaboration in medical-zairaichi (zairaichi means local knowledge in Japanese) to understand how local people prevent diseases and maintain health while embracing both modern biomedical and local practices.
原田英典准教授の研究グループが、2020年12月11日におこなわれた土木学会環境工学研究委員会(第57回環境工学研究フォーラム)で環境技術・プロジェクト賞を受賞されました。 受賞対象は、発表『ザンビア都市スラムにおける糞便汚染・曝露の可視化アクションリサーチ』(京都大学 鶴見茉由,原田英典,Chua Min Li,藤井滋穂,University of Zam…