Cultural tourism potentials towards livelihood security Local perceptions in Southern Ethiopia (京都大学アフリカ研究シリーズ028)

Cultural tourism potentials towards livelihood security Local perceptions in Southern Ethiopia (京都大学アフリカ研究シリーズ028)

This research, a comparative case study in Ethiopia, sought to determine the significance of cultural tourism in people’s livelihood and its effect on the wellbeing of local people at tourist destinations.




African Study Monographs Vol. 41 No. 1 (2021)

African Study Monographs Vol. 41 No. 1 (2021)


Waza, l’art ineffable de l’apprentissage

Waza, l’art ineffable de l’apprentissage 高田明教授・田暁潔特任助教ほかが編著、高田教授、彭宇潔特任講師、園田浩司特任助教、田特任助教が寄稿した、「わざ」に関するTechniques & Culture誌の特集号が刊行されています。

Women’s empowerment through small-scale mixed porridge flour

Women’s empowerment through small-scale mixed porridge flour





Kyoto University International Symposium “Innovation for Sustainable Development in Africa” (The 97th KUASS)

Kyoto University International Symposium “Innovation for Sustainable Development in Africa” (The 97th KUASS)

The theme of the Symposium: This symposium will focus on “innovation for sustainable development in Africa”, and discuss three dimensions of innovation: technologies, institutions …

International Workshop-Poster Session: The Role of On-site Research for Innovation & Steam Education

International Workshop-Poster Session: The Role of On-site Research for Innovation & Steam Education

The following five issues, which are related to the role of on-site research for innovation and STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics] education, are going to be discussed among presenters and participants in the related research projects.

International workshop on Medical-ZAIRAICHI, a Medical-Local Knowledge Research Network

International workshop on Medical-ZAIRAICHI, a Medical-Local Knowledge Research Network

This workshop aims to explore the possibilities of inter-disciplinary/international collaboration in medical-zairaichi (zairaichi means local knowledge in Japanese) to understand how local people prevent diseases and maintain health while embracing both modern biomedical and local practices.



原田英典准教授の研究グループが、2020年12月11日におこなわれた土木学会環境工学研究委員会(第57回環境工学研究フォーラム)で環境技術・プロジェクト賞を受賞されました。 受賞対象は、発表『ザンビア都市スラムにおける糞便汚染・曝露の可視化アクションリサーチ』(京都大学 鶴見茉由,原田英典,Chua Min Li,藤井滋穂,University of Zam…

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